Nice, shiny, and surprisingly very accurate. Modeled after the shitshow that is the the Beretta M9, this replica is even better than the Italian made classic. I carry this as a duty weapon but after seeing a dude take 6 shots from a 9mm and get back up, I want to carry something definitely heavier. Open to offers and trades, would love a 357 magnum with a 4-8 inch barrel but still open to offers. Bundle includes:
-M9 (clone for those special people that assume it’s military issued)
-3x magazines
-level 3 duty holster that was ridiculously expensive
-50-100 rounds or however many I still got because you can’t get rid of a toy with out batteries
I’m local to the Bryan/college station area but have no problem meeting up or cutting a deal to meet me.
Listing ID:3018278